The PNG LNG Project is an integrated development that includes gas production and processing facilities in the highlands and coastal areas of Papua New Guinea. There are over 700 kilometres of pipelines connecting the facilities, which includes amongst others a liquefaction and storage facilities on a remote location northwest of Port Moresby on the coast of the Gulf of Papua. Within this developments a LNG & Condensate jetty is foreseen adjacent to the planned onshore LNG facility. Chiyoda JGC Joint Venture, acting as main contractor for the onshore LNG facility for Esso Australia Pty Ltd., has awarded the subcontract for design and construct of the jetty to BAM Clough JV.
DMC was contracted by BAM Clough JV as their civil marine designer for the jetty and as such responsible for the design of the jetty structure during tender, basic and detailed design. During construction also site engineering support is delivered as well as support for conducting and interpreting PDA pile tests.
The scope of DMC comprises the civil marine design of:
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
LNG export jetty
Exxon Mobile Australia Pty Ltd
Our client
BAM-Clough JV
Completion design
Jetty structure starting at very shallow waters in a mangrove area
Design of a jetty based on cantilever bridge system, minimising the environmental impact